
The Ultimate Guide To Cabinet Door Styles


The style of your cabinets can set the tone for your entire kitchen, so it’s important to choose the right design for you. From kitchen layout to price, there is a lot to think about. While the variety of factors and modern styles can be daunting, we’re here to walk you through the process and answer all of your questions.

Shaker Style. The shaker frame is one of the most popular styles in cabinetry, and it easily harmonizes with almost every kitchen theme. It is simple and classic, constructed with plain edges and flat panels. A raised frame is built around the panels, creating a clean-cut, square appearance.

The shaker style is most ideal for a quintessential kitchen design. These cabinets are of high quality, but are still affordable. They won’t detract from the rest of the room, and will serve as a well-constructed, easily recognizable staple.

Beadboard Doors. The beadboard cabinet style is more of a statement piece, and will give you a look which is unique and classic at the same time. Beadboard doors fit perfectly into homes with farmhouse themes, or classic, antique appearances. They are also popular for Mediterranean-style kitchens with blue or green color themes.

This style is constructed with vertical tongue-in grooves and wood slats in the center of a four-piece frame. These cabinets are usually more expensive than other styles, but they will add resale value to your home.


Mullion. The mullion door has dividing bars supporting a glass panel in the center of its frame. This is one of the few glass cabinet options, and is a popular alternative choice for homeowners. Mullion cabinets will add dimension to your kitchen space and create a more open environment. You can opt for simple square panels across the glass, or a more personalized design.

This style is classic for modern kitchens, and are typically pricier due to the glass component. If you want mullion cabinets to display your favorite glassware or wedding china, consider opting for one or two mullion doors, with another door style for the surrounding cabinets.


Slab Cabinets. The slab cabinet style is on the inexpensive side, yet allows for a sleek, high-quality appearance. This cabinet door is rapidly becoming popular in minimalist homes and modern kitchens. It consists of a flat panel, with no frame or raised components.

Look into slab cabinets if you want to elevate the natural qualities of your home, or if you’re interested in a uniform, refined kitchen theme.

For the highest quality in cabinetry, head over to Cabinetmaker’s Choice. We’re here to give you all the information you need on kitchen design and provide you with exclusive products.