Here’s How to Reface Your Kitchen Cabinets

Here’s How to Reface Your Kitchen Cabinets

If you’re looking to change up your kitchen style, refacing your cabinets is one of the easiest ways to explore a new design. Refacing wood cabinets involves upgrading your cabinet door fronts, and is a renovation method which won’t hurt your wallet. Here’s how to refinish your cabinets like a professional.

Here’s How to Reface Your Kitchen Cabinets

Choose your preferred method of refacing. You can reface your cabinet doors by adding a new veneer, refinishing the surface wood, or by replacing the wood altogether. The right method for you depends on your personal taste, your budget, and the condition of your cabinets. 

Here’s How to Reface Your Kitchen Cabinets

If using veneer, measure it out. Peel-and-stick cabinet veneer sheets are available in a variety of personalized colors in hardware stores. Take off your cabinet doors to allow for better access to the frames. Cut the veneer into strips, measured out to the size of your cabinets. Adhere the veneer to the cabinet side panels. Then, use edge pieces to cover the stiles of the cabinets. Apply veneer to the flat panels for the complete look, and reattach the doors to the rest of the structure. Finish by sanding your cabinets for a smooth feel.

Here’s How to Reface Your Kitchen Cabinets

Refinish the surface of your cabinets for an enhanced look. If you opt for this method, alternatives to veneer include wood stain and paint. To refinish or stain the wood, begin by stripping and sanding it. Staining will help bring out the natural elements of the door, while paint is a little more trendy and will allow you to customize to your personal style. Apply your finish of choice and watch it brighten up your kitchen space.

You can also replace the doors’ hinges and drawer pulls for a complete makeover. This can create a more cohesive look overall, and will leave each part of the cabinet looking intentional and new.

If you want an easier solution, just shop around. If your cabinets are of a certain age and condition, the best answer may be to simply buy new ones. This way, you don’t have to worry about doing the work yourself, and your cabinets will look new for a much longer amount of time.

For more valuable kitchen tips and high-quality custom cabinetry, visit Cabinetmaker’s Choice.