Cabinetmaker's Choice Blog bookshelf


Cabinetmaker’s Choice compiles the latest cabinetry trends and advice into fun-to-read posts on our CMC blog. Subscribe today and get notified of new products and posts!

  • Cabinet Hinges Made Easy

    Everything is in place: The drilling’s done, your case is screwed and glued, and now, you’re ready to slap a door on that sucker and make it a proper cabinet; except for one thing ⁠— the cabinet hinges are a mystery, from top to bottom. How were they supposed to be mounted again? And how…

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  • Cabinet Doors and Beyond: Finishes to Fit Your Client’s Vision

    Cabinet finishes are like finding the right tools; some are good for small jobs around the house, some help you on the jobsite, and others (we’ve all got that favorite tape measure) turn out to be perfect for every job. Like picking out the right pair or even picking the right style of cabinet door…

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  • Kitchen Design Decision Making: Frameless vs Framed Cabinets

    “Aesthetic decisions are for designers”, you think as you come out of a painfully slow design meeting your client asked you to attend. While they know your time is money, you’re annoyed that you have to listen to these comically small decisions that take up way too much time. Sure, if it was a personal…

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