The Most Popular Modern Kitchen Products

Kitchen trends are constantly changing and evolving, and it can be difficult to keep up. Luckily, we’ve looked into the biggest upcoming trends for the year so that you don’t have to. 2023 is seeing an emphasis on natural materials and colors, and subtle design styles which work to enrich the home. Let’s take a look at how to stay on top of this year’s trends with a truly contemporary kitchen.


Stick With Neutral and Custom Light Colors. White kitchens have long been a standard in interior design, but the cleanup required to keep these spaces looking spotless can be significant. Blemishes and splatters happen often in kitchens, and visible wear is a big drawback to white walls and appliances. A new trend is emerging in cabinet colors other than plain white, which still retain the elegance of light kitchens but minimize the upkeep. Consider one of these off-whites, creams, pastel shades, or neutral tones.

Light Up Your Kitchen Space With the Right Products. Everyone appreciates a well-lit kitchen, but buzzing overhead lights are not ideal. A trending product design for 2023 is hidden lighting, and many companies are including LED and touch lights inside their appliances. This allows you to open a brightly-lit drawer or cabinet without ever flipping a switch.

Wake Up To a Custom Coffee Bar. In recent years, the popularity of home-brewed coffee has skyrocketed. This has led to the emerging trend of personalized coffee bars in the kitchen, signifying convenience and luxury. Custom nooks and bars can have storage for coffee machines and equipment, and built-in outlets add functionality.


Add Cabinet Space. Standard kitchens often have limited space, and storage can prove difficult. Luckily, trends are emerging which optimize functionality within the kitchen and allow for more space without any renovation. Double-stacked cabinets provide advantages in storage and enhance traditional visual appeal in the kitchen.


Let in the Natural Light. This year we’re seeing a design preference for lighter, brighter settings. Naturally illuminated kitchens are stunning, and we’re predicting an uptick in the popularity of larger kitchen windows and reflective materials in appliances.

Sustainability is Key. Environmentalism and sustainability will always be modern, and you can take simple steps to incorporate green elements into your kitchen. Try using reclaimed wood for your counters, or smart kitchen appliances which use less electricity.

These are just a few of the product trends which are hitting the interior design market. Stay updated and add your own style to your home with  Cabinetmaker’s Choice, providing high-quality kitchen cabinets and much more.